Dear Parents Grades 1-8,
We are happy to announce that the YOSS mid-winter YESHIVA BEIN HAZMANIM will take place Tuesday and Wednesday, January 23rd and 24th. This program is an excellent option for children whose parents have to work or as an alternative to staying home with “nothing to do”. These are full day programs beginning at 9:00 am and concluding at 4:00 pm. Each day begins with davening and brief learning with YOSS Rabbiem. Accompanying your children will be Rabbi Drebin and his staff of experienced, responsible counselors.
On Tuesday we will be going snow tubing at Campgaw Mountain located in Mahwah New Jersey. Campgaw is a top rated snow tubing facility. Snow tubing is exhilarating, exciting and safe for all ages. There’s also a large, beautiful (and warm!) lodge where they can eat lunch. You must provide lunch from home. Transportation for this trip will be by coach bus.
On Wednesday we will be going to Kids “n” Action, an indoor entertainment center in Brooklyn. The facility boasts Bumping Cars, Mini Roller Coaster, Soft play area and much more. We will also visit the Living Torah Museum where we will see many artifacts from the time of the Bais Hamikdash and receive a tour of their animal showcase. The tour will be led by the museum’s director, Rabbi Shaul Shimon Deutsch. Free Pizza lunch will be included.
Charges are $85 per day or $140 for both days (Multiple child discount $70 per child per day).You may choose for your son(s) to attend either or both days. Once you’ve signed up, Rabbi Drebin will be in touch with you with any further details.
Wishing you all a healthy winter and a restful winter vacation.
Rabbi Shlomo Drebin (
Program Coordinator