Dear Seventh Grade Parents,


The excitement is palpable as Bar Mitzvah celebrations have begun. Baruch Hashem, we have reached this milestone and look forward to sharing in the celebration of our sons’ Bar Mitzvahs together.

As it can be costly for families to provide a gift for each Bar Mitzvah boy, and so that each student can feel special on this momentous occasion, we are setting up a grade-wide gift program with a fund to which each family can contribute. The fund will enable each student to receive one gift from his entire grade. In addition, the fund will cover a portion of the costs associated with the grade-wide Bar Mitzvah breakfast, to be held IY”H in the Yeshiva in the spring.

We are asking that all families contribute the minimum $25 towards the Tefillin program and breakfast.

Each family is asked to donate $125 to the fund ($25 towards the breakfast and the remaining $100 will be used to purchase one of the following gift certificates for each participating Bar Mitzvah boy).
$145 gift at Five Towns Judaica
$125 gift at PJ Sterling
$100 VISA Gift Card

Participation in the gift program is optional. We are asking that all families contribute the minimum $25 towards the breakfast. Sponsorships are available.
Please fill out the form below by Tuesday, March 16, 2021.
Please make every effort to submit your form with payment on time – we cannot guarantee that the vendors will continue to offer their discounted rates after the deadline.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to or
We look forward to sharing in each other’s simchas.


May we all see much nachas from our Bnei Torah.